simpati kinestetik bahasa Inggris
- simpati: compassion; pity; sympathy; favour; favour,
- simpati: compassion; pity; sympathy; favour; favour, favor; fellow-feeling; regard; openhearted; charitable; ruth; fellow feeling; large-hearted; commiseration; sympathetic; compassionateness; benevolent; un
- dengan simpati: responsively; well
- mendapat simpati: favour
- menunjukkan simpati: favourable
- menyatakan simpati: commiserate
- pernyataan simpati: commiseration
- rasa simpati: commiseration; fellow feeling; compassion; empathy; sympathy; pity; mercy
- sihir simpati: sympathetic magic
- dengan penuh simpati: sympathetically; compassionately
- menaruh simpati terhadap: felt for
- penuh simpati terhadap: in sympathy with
- tidak menaruh simpati: cold hearted
- wajah; muka; mulut; terbuka; nganga; simpati: frowning face with open mouth
- simpanse kerdil: gracile chimpanzee; bonobo; dwarf chimpanzee; pygmy chimpanzee
- simpatik: sympathetic; symphatetic; congenial; tender-hearted; softhearted; appealing; likeable; likable
- In 2003, a study was conducted by the National Study Group On Chronic Disorganization (NSGCD), the purpose of which was to collect data on the effectiveness of using special techniques with clients to avoid kinesthetic sympathy.
Pada tahun 2003, sebuah penelitian dilakukan oleh National Study Group On Chronic Disorganization - NSGCD (kelompok studi nasional pada disorganisasi kronis), yang bertujuan mengumpulkan data mengenai efektivitas penggunaan teknik-teknik khusus pada klien dalam menghindari simpati kinestetik.